What is PageTypes ?
Hosted services
Responsive design
Responsive design
SMB website adaptive eCommerce theme
Responsive design
SMB website adaptive eCommerce theme
Professional responsive design template suitable for any business or company portfolio.
Compatible with PageTypes 4.0
Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 design
Supports all major browsers
Google Web Fonts
PageTypes CSS parser compatible
Easy to customize
Different skins included
live preview
SMB website adaptive metro theme
Professional responsive design template suitable for any business or company portfolio.
Compatible with PageTypes 4.0
Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 design
Supports all major browsers
Google Web Fonts
PageTypes CSS parser compatible
Easy to customize
Different skins included
Scalable vector graphics
live preview
SMB website adaptive events theme
Professional responsive design template suitable for any business or company portfolio.
Compatible with PageTypes 4.0
Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 design
Supports all major browsers
Google Web Fonts
PageTypes CSS parser compatible
Easy to customize
Different skins included
Scalable vector graphics
live preview
SMB website adaptive blog theme
Professional responsive design template suitable for any business or company portfolio.
Compatible with PageTypes 4.0
Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 design
Supports all major browsers
Google Web Fonts
PageTypes CSS parser compatible
Easy to customize
Different skins included
Scalable vector graphics
live preview
SMB website adaptive theme - Orange and Grey
Professional responsive design template suitable for any business or company portfolio.
Compatible with PageTypes 4.0
Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 design
Supports all major browsers
Google Web Fonts
PageTypes CSS parser compatible
Easy to customize
Different skins included
live preview
Small-Medium business website adaptive theme
Professional responsive design template suitable for any business or company portfolio.
Compatible with PageTypes 4.0
Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 design
Supports all major browsers
Google Web Fonts
PageTypes CSS parser compatible
Easy to customize
Different skins included
live preview